Internationally Certified
Touch For Health Kinesiology Courses
The word kinesiology in itself refers to the movement of muscles. However, the internationally certified Touch for Health classes are about more than just discovering how your muscles move, they teach you how to listen to your body though the process of bio feedback via muscle testing. Muscle testing offers specific insight to where the body is blocked and on what level. While using knowledge from Traditional Chinese Medicine and Chiropractics, the balance is restored through specific techniques that your body asks for, making goals much easier to achieve. Through out the levels you have the opportunity to practice the techniques you are learning as well as receive balances yourself. Touch for Health is both preventive health medicine and also helps you to heal and recover from dis-ease.
The Touch for Health Synthesis is scheduled through out the year although the course can begin anytime if there are four interested and committed students.
Each level costs $300
or $900 to complete the Touch for Health Synthesis ( levels 1-4)
The Touch for Health Synthesis is scheduled through out the year although the course can begin anytime if there are four interested and committed students.
Each level costs $300
or $900 to complete the Touch for Health Synthesis ( levels 1-4)
Interested in listening to what your body has to say?
Interested in muscle testing?
Would you like to learn fabulous, effective healing techniques
to reduce stress, pain and bring your body, mind and spirit
back into alignment?
Internationally Certified
Touch for Health Kinesiology Course
$900 for level 1 to 4
or $300 per level
A $200 non refundable deposit secures your spot.
I accept paypal, Canadian e transfer,
G&T and Banrural (Guatemalan Banks)
Join us!
Classes are from 9am to 5pm
4 student minimum for course to run
10 Students Maximum

Level 1 Syllabus
Accurate and sensitive muscle testing
14 muscle / meridian balance
Emotional Stress Release
Pain release and self-help exercises
Goal setting
Surrogate Testing
Accurate and sensitive muscle testing
14 muscle / meridian balance
Emotional Stress Release
Pain release and self-help exercises
Goal setting
Surrogate Testing

Level 2
Balancing using the 5 elements
Principles of Chinese Medicine
Testing for food sensitivities and nutritional needs
Acupressure holding points
Meridian Massage
Meridian walking for recent pain
Balancing using the 5 elements
Principles of Chinese Medicine
Testing for food sensitivities and nutritional needs
Acupressure holding points
Meridian Massage
Meridian walking for recent pain

Level 3 Syllabus
Balancing using food
5 Elements balance and finding emotions
Reactive Muscle theory and practice
Pulse checking and pain tapping for chronic pain
Balancing using food
5 Elements balance and finding emotions
Reactive Muscle theory and practice
Pulse checking and pain tapping for chronic pain

Level 4
5 Element sound balance
Time of Day balance
Luo points
Acupressure Holding points theory
5 Element Color balance
Reactive Muscles
5 Element sound balance
Time of Day balance
Luo points
Acupressure Holding points theory
5 Element Color balance
Reactive Muscles